Dress That Mama: Black Crop Top

DSC_0074Wearing this crop top with everything lately — high-waisted black jeans, high-waisted skirts, pretty much anything that is high enough to allow just a peek of midriff. Not trying to show too much skin at once, but still enjoying the classic polished look of this trend. Also, time for another haircut, no? DSC_0041Happy Wednesday!

5 thoughts on “Dress That Mama: Black Crop Top”
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  1. Lauren! It’s the summer of the crop top. I live in mine, too, with high waisted skirts. My hair.. I should not be taking it out of the house at this point. (And that’s saying something as I rarely get more than a trim a year! So my baseline for need a cut is quite high.)

    Finally have a working computer and am looking forward to seeing what I’ve missed.. Oliver.. SIX?!

    xo Julie

  2. I was wondering, where did you buy your clogs, and did you buy them for full price? I am in love with them, and am having a hard time finding them for less than $300 or so.

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