I snapped a few pictures at the pool this weekend, but aside from that, took a break from the camera and the computer. After another solid week of rain, the clouds parted just in time for the weekend and we spent most of it in the sunshine as a family. I was reminded of just how much more relaxed I am with another set of eyes on the boys. When I take them by myself, I often feel torn between two different areas of the pool; Milo is all about the diving board, while the other two cannot handle the deep end quite yet. But Andrew can. Oh yes, he is a maniac on the diving board. If I’m going to be honest, it often looks like he is falling from the sky in an awkward position. Pretty funny.
… and then of course he looks all graceful and professional and composed when he climbs out.
Oliver has been working up his nerve to jump off… this is how I was as a kid. It takes awhile to work up the nerve to jump off something, you know? We went to the pool both days this weekend, and I was so grateful for this family time all together. Sometimes you just need to be goofy and take it slow. Hope you had a great weekend, too.
You guys are pool fiends! I really loved your story about letting the kids learn to swim themselves. We’ve attempted to do the same, but W is so not risky enough to go under… and could not be more resistant to lessons. It can be really tough to have a kid who often needs a good amount of pushing when you’re parental instincts are to let things taker thier course. I’m hoping he gets more adventurous and skilled in due time 🙂
Always impressed by how much fun you guys pack into a week.