Since the weather has turned cooler, an after-school tradition has blossomed: tea. After I heat two cups of water, Oliver enjoys stirring a vanilla-chamomile tea bag and a tablespoon of raw honey into a little teapot I found at a thrift shop recently. Then he and Emil sit down at the table and take turns pouring themselves (and each other) little bowls of tea. It’s kind of awesome, especially when one (or both) are dressed like Pikachu.
A little encouragement from the big brother goes a long way.
Side note: one might need help removing said Pikachu costume about 15 – 20 minutes after consuming massive amounts of tea. Which is not very Montessori, is it?
How British of them. Next, tea with the Queen! (Maybe in March?)
love the pikachu jams–pokemon is on full force in our house too.
Such civilized little dudes!