Dress That Mama: Denim Jumpsuit


I am no stranger to jumpsuits or rompers. I love them! I have been wearing them for years now and frankly don’t see that changing anytime soon. I sold my other jumpsuit recently and replaced it with this lightweight denim version that is soft as a worn t-shirt and playful enough to wear to the playground with the boys. And that is a bonus!DSC_0003DSC_0007

I have to ask… would you wear one?

P.s. – Find a similar one here… and check out these jumpers: in red, this one has a pretty back detail, and this black one can be dressed up so nicely!

2 thoughts on “Dress That Mama: Denim Jumpsuit”
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  1. That looks darling on you! I love jumpsuits, but let’s just say that at 5’2″ and, um, extra-curvy, this would not exactly look great on me. You pull it off with great success!!

  2. Oh yes, I would! I just haven’t found one I like yet… they all look too frumpy from the back, like culottes. I found one I like, but they’re out of my size. Argh! Someday hopefully.

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