First Friends


Emil’s very first friend is Hugo, the sweet, gentle, smart, only slightly mischievous son of our dear friends from New Zealand. He is only a few months older than Emil but especially verbal and precocious. I am always struck by how well the two get along. And though I have witnessed the phenomenon of first friendships with both Milo and Oliver, the whole thing is no less magical the third time around. DSC_0263DSC_0249Watching the joy and fun these two have with each other just warms my heart. My how relationships impact young flowering minds! Hugo, we sure do love you!

3 thoughts on “First Friends”
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  1. Good heavens, they are so sweet together. I feel like my oldest kids sort of missed out on some of those early friendships. We had kids before any of our friends so there were no toddlers around for them to fall into friendship with for quite some time. But Arlo has a friend just 12 hours older than him and watching them is pretty much my favorite thing currently.

  2. So sweet! It’s funny because Rachel commented that her oldest didn’t have these friendships, and in our case I worry about Ruby. I was so conscientious with playgroups and classes with W, because we didn’t have many friends with kids. He has so many buddies… And Ruby is just along for the ride. Poor girl!

    I also love the names Emil and Hugo together.

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