Dress That Mama


I recently wore this dress and Andrew commented on how much he has loved it ever since I bought it in Philadelphia… 8 years ago! Ha, ha! This dress has seen some good times, including some crazy nights out in downtown Philly with friends from all over the world. I remember wearing it (with leggings underneath) on the back of Andrew’s motorcycle, clutching onto him for dear life while the wind whipped through my hair, my eyes squeezed tightly shut.

Years later, one of the sleeves ripped, so I altered it to be short sleeved. It’s remarkable that it has made it this long. Still love this dress, and grateful that it still fits!

DSC_0062Have a wonderful Wednesday!

6 thoughts on “Dress That Mama”
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  1. You look so pretty. It’s a beautiful dress, I love a good white summer dress. I’m impressed it isn’t yellowed and still looks so good!

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