Gone Girl Trailer

For all of you Gone Girl fans, the trailer just came out for the movie adaptation… will you see it? I always have mixed feelings about seeing the movie version of my favorite books; no matter how great the movie version is, it never seems to measure up to my mental images of the story as it moves forward. I guess that’s why I love reading so much?

It does look good, though, and I’ll probably see it anyway. Plenty of time to decide; the movie doesn’t come out until October 3rd.

Have a wonderful weekend!

7 thoughts on “Gone Girl Trailer”
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  1. I will definitely be seeing this one! The author of the book has been involved in the adaptation for the movie, if that helps you decide. It looks really good. Good enough to be one of the two movies I see this year. πŸ™‚

  2. I didn’t read this book until they started to talk about the movie, which is backwards from my usual way. I thought Gone Girl was fascinating, and I LOVE movies, to I expect I’ll be seeing it. I think Ben Affleck is the perfect choice for this part and it’ll be interesting to see what they do with it.
    I love it when the author is part of the movie adaptation, it gives the movie a little more credibility for me. I’m excited about seeing The Fault In Our Stars in June for that exact reason.
    Goodness, start me on movies and I won’t stop talking… πŸ™‚

  3. I love Rosamund Pike. I really, really do. And “Gone Girl” was the first book I liked despite hating every single character. (Every! Single! Character!)
    So now I’m torn about the movie. Part of me wants to see it badly, but the other part worries that they’ll screw it up.

  4. I wasn’t such a fan of Gone Girl, but I did think it would make a good movie.

    I just finished a book I think you would like. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. It’s long but totally engrossing. Are you on Goodreads? Look me up if so!

  5. While we’re on the subject of writing, I went ot get my toenails painted today and plopped down with a copy of St. Louis Family only to enjoy a brilliant article written by a one Lauren Knight! You are famous!

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