2013 Holiday Gift Guide… the Kids

Happy December (can you believe it?)! I’ve decided to do another gift guide for this holiday season. This week, I will post gift ideas for the kids, ladies, then gents, plus a recipe. Today: the kids!

I am so excited about the holidays, you guys! The best part for me is dreaming up the best gifts for our kids and all the lovely littles in our lives. It’s so hard not to go overboard for them because there are so many amazing toys and products for kids these days. Here is my gift guide for kids 8 and under. Enjoy!


For the budding astronaut by an amazing Dutch designer (plus, a portion of all sales benefit the Dutch Foundation for Homeless Youngsters).


An adorable wooden doctor’s kit!


Games are big around here. Checkers and chess, anyone? Here’s a cute different version, or a super nice one!


This book: Big Questions from Little People: and Simple Answers from Great Minds. I think we need to get this… Milo has some pretty crazy questions and frankly, I don’t even know where to start!


Some serious building blocks.


For that authentic childhood… this awesome slingshot, with the option of felt or wood ammo (I would go with the felt, obvi)


This dreamer t-shirt (for the hippies)- Mama, this made me think of you!


Awesome little baby leggings… and these… and these! Okay, these too!


A cozy snuggly baby for a girl or boy (Emil has Baby Henry and sleeps with him every night)- really well made, beautiful knit dolls! And the Boogaloos are cute too!


Folksy kids music that doesn’t suck. (The boys really get moving to “Jump Down Spin Around”)


A boxcart! This is definitely one I want to get the boys this year! (Is it bad that I checked the weight limit for myself?)


You can never go wrong with a musical instrument. I think Emil would love this little red ukulele.

I could go on and on with the kid gifts… see more on my Pinterest board “Gifts for the Kids” if you’d like more ideas!

Come back tomorrow for the “For the Ladies” gift guide!

5 thoughts on “2013 Holiday Gift Guide… the Kids”
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  1. I must be on a similar wave length because Sena’s getting a chess set and Gus is getting a sling shot. And i think I need to get the Big Questions book for me- I could use some of those answers.

  2. Where are your dress that kid posts? I looooooove your thread picks and I always discover a new company or resource when you post. This is what you should be writing about for magazines.

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