“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013”
Oliver: Was adamant that his best buddy Hedgehog was in the portrait with him…
Emil: … which prompted Emil to grab “scary cat,” our spooky Halloween decoration from our front porch…
Milo: … and led to Milo wanting Funny Bunny, a buddy I made him out of an old pair of jeans and some buttons.
These boys are my life. I cannot express in words my love, admiration, and awe of them. And on a technical note, no matter how many different places I try, my favorite portraits always culminate from the spot on our landing where the light is just right.
***Linking up with Jodi and her 52 portrait series***
These portraits are the best ever! You’ve REALLY captured the little crumbbums! So incredibly sweet!!!
Love you all!
Catching up after a long blog hiatus… Your boys are just gorgeous! Such sweet little faces, and you capture them so well.
great idea to photograph them with their fav softies!
Love these photos of these beautiful, handsome boys. Amazing how much Emil is starting to look like Milo, don’t you think?
These are just so perfect. Definitely my favorite of the 52 series.
Beyond that series, one of my all-time favorites is the black and white one, also on the landing, I believe, of M + O in their underwear with wings and a cape.
Aw, great photos!
These might be my favorites yet. I love the character that the accessories give them, and I always love your family in costume 🙂 Beautiful light, when you find the good spot why move?!