Dress That Mama: Transition to Fall (II)


Happy Wednesday! I am happy to report ongoing beautiful weather around these parts. It’s been kind of unreal, actually. Though the light is golden and the shadows long, the temperature warms up quite a bit during the day, making for some interesting wardrobe choices. I actually love it, though. I have been continuing to use transitional pieces, such as a simple cotton tee shirt that I wore all summer with cotton skirts and cut-off shorts, only lately I’ve been pairing it with things like this pencil skirt in a warm soft sweater knit.

It’s enough bulk to be warm in the morning, but not too warm for the afternoon sunshine. I stuck with a sweater in similar tones and wood buttons- one I have been wearing for over 4 years now (which, subsequently, needs a few hole repairs).

The booties are Hudson tie-backs, and though they were literally bent in half and crushed between two sheets of metal back in June, I have been able to bend and shape them back into normalcy… they were my most-worn shoes last fall and winter!DSC_0003And look who decided to join me for Dress That Mama? Emil and his pipe/ball game. Someone is bound to get whacked with it one of these days!

7 thoughts on “Dress That Mama: Transition to Fall (II)”
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  1. I love this! Wish that this is what I looked like for fall, perfect outfit and hair. Also Emil is such a big boy- time just keeps rolling along 🙂

  2. Hi Lauren, I am SO glad that you’ve continued your “Dress That Mama”posts.
    Until I had my third child I was working full time and now that I’m staying home with my kids I’ve struggled to adapt my clothes/style to my new days. I find your wardrobe choices to be impeccable, inspiring and oh so helpful – thank you 🙂

  3. Lilly- thank you, and yes! He is growing faster than ever!

    Kerry- what a kind thing to say! It is quite an adjustment going from working to staying home, isn’t it? I’m so glad you commented 🙂

  4. LOVE this skirt! This reminds me that I let a friend borrow that sweater (in orange,) and I never got it back. I got it years ago at anthro but it is timeless, and would be lovely for fall. Hopefully that friend is still giving it lots of love. So glad you are posting Dress That Mama again!

  5. How are you so put together with three wild and lovely boys and a household to run?!?!?! I’m wearing sweatpants as I type this. I’m really glad too that you kept these posts up, they’re such an inspiration.

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