July Garden 2013



Despite the late start, our garden is really coming along! We had quite the weed issue to deal with when we came back from Paris, but after a day or two, it was back under control and it was obvious that things were doing well. We have tons of tomatoes ripening, and just picked our first perfect cucumber. We have been harvesting kale for salads and the baby leaves are so tender and delicious! DSC_0140





And of course, the chard that we planted is taking off like gang-busters! We only planted 4 plants, but they are already huge, seemingly growing to dinosaur proportions overnight! DSC_0144The bean den idea hasn’t quite panned out, with the beans deciding not to climb at all, rather they stay close to the ground and let their produce ripen inches away from the dirt. Next year, I think I will plant cucumbers around the den instead, as the single cucumber plant we’re growing has already climbed our tall wooden fence and is now hanging over into our neighbor’s yard (who we will tell, whatever bears fruit on your side is yours, should you want it!). I can’t wait to make cold cucumber salad and gazpacho!

Also looking good: summer squash, strawberries, garlic, carrots & beets, broccoli, broccoli raab, and herbs so prolific they need to be cut back every other day! It makes cooking in the summertime such a joy. Are you growing anything this summer?

7 thoughts on “July Garden 2013”
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  1. Don’t give up onthebeans – you may have got a bush bean variety instead of the climbing pole beans 🙂 I recommend scarlet runner beans, they climb like crazy, have gorgeous flowers and nice purple beans! Good luck!

  2. Oh, it’s beautiful!
    I didn’t get to start a garden this year because we moved in right during planting season (well, that and the pregnancy vomiting).
    I hope your garden inspires many others to start one!

  3. Oh wow! What a wonderful garden you have there. We had cucumbers, snap peas, tomatoes, bell peppers, asparagus, jerusalem artichokes (yuck!), broccoli and strawberries. Unfortunately, our strawberries never produced fruit this year. Guess it’s time to pull them up and re-soil. We are probably going to add 2-3 more raised bed boxes to our collection (we have 3 already) for next year. I love seeing your garden!!

  4. We had a great strawberry crop this year and so many peas. Also this year, I planted asparagus, rhubarb, and blueberry bushes- so in a year or two I hope to be eating those things. Fingers crossed.

  5. Love seeing that garden grow! I’m surprised that the beans didn’t climb- they’re pole beans right? Funny, but everything looks wonderful and that tomato is tempting. I’m down to second hand accounts of our garden… apparently it’s pretty decent but there are reports of tomato blight in our area- oh no! Tomatoes are my favorite, so I’ll be bummed if we don’t get any.

  6. Yes, Lilly! They are totally and completely pole beans. I have no idea.

    And the tomatoes are my favorites, too. Last summer we only got a couple of good ones because of blight, but this year looks good so far. And you poor thing, not being able to cook OR garden! You must be dying to get out of bed soon!

  7. I AM SO VERY IMPRESSED! yes we have beans and peas and strawberries, mint parsnips and leeks, toms as well. Loads of our seeds didn’t make it, I am a newbie gardener but i am loving it! Infact I’m just about to hit publish on a little garden tour post if you are interested, so fab to see your piece of paradise xxx

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