“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2013”
Milo: Since reducing screen time to one hour a week, he has been happier… and the special treat of an arcade game was that much more exciting!
Oliver: Said about dinner the other night: “Two thumbs down and a loser. Actually two losers…” I have no idea… I guess he didn’t like it?
Emil: Spent the majority of the week running from place to place: running constantly fast and away.
I love these boys so much it hurts my heart.
***Linking up with Jodi and her 52 portrait project***
Three boys! Each with a distinct idea in his head, I can see it by the faces they make!
P.S. My best friend from high school and college has two boys named Oliver and Emil. Do you think that has any bearing on personalities?
OH NO! Two losers?! hahaha.