Dress That Mama: Spring Flowers


Though it is technically still only in the 40’s, last Friday was the exception, and I found myself warmed by the sunshine for one day. It was just what I needed, and of course I was inspired by the hope of spring. So, although today I am probably actually wearing something super warm, like jeans and a sweater, or cords and a button-down AND a sweater, this is what I wore all day last Friday.DSC_0102Nope, not wearing pale white tights… those are my plain old winter legs! 🙂

Flower tee-shirt: JCrew (all normal sizes sold out, but find similar print and color here

Skirt: Curator (won from a giveaway on Cup of Jo last spring!)

Boots: Hudson


Photo bomber: Old Proudie, getting gray in the face, but still as wily as ever! 

Happy Wednesday. I hope your day goes well!

7 thoughts on “Dress That Mama: Spring Flowers”
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  1. So pretty! I have a similar skirt in the same color, and now I wish I had taken the chance to wear it last Friday. That was a beautiful day. And now it’s so chilly!

  2. Ah so beautiful and spring-like! If only we could really be dressing like this, first day of spring and it still feels soooo far away.

  3. Oh, that spring has been quite the tease this year. What a perfect post to welcome in the new season (even if it still feels so far away)! You look lovely as always.

  4. so cute! I want those boots!! Another Paris thought because I know you and Andrew appreciate great coffee and great coffee shops like we do — We tried to go to Telescope (5 Rue Villedo), but it was closed when we went in August. Bummer. But it looked really cute AND Dan (from Baked & Wired) is friends with one of the owners, who actually used to work at Northside in Arlington! Small world.

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