Little Break

I’ve decided to take the rest of the week off from blogging. I haven’t been feeling like myself lately- exhausted and uninspired. Probably just the March blues; with spring just within reach but not quite here, I often get a little down in the dumps around this time of year. So rather than force a few posts just to fill space, I’m going to try to regroup, reflect, and unplug (or at least greatly reduce my computer time!) for the next few days.

I’ll see you back here on Monday!

16 thoughts on “Little Break”
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  1. I agree, this time of year can be tough until the weather cooperates with how I want it to act (come on spring sunshine!). To make it through this time, I am crafting (not something I usually do) and trying to excercise more. Maybe I’ll actually make the excercise a routine – crossing my fingers!
    I hope you enjoy your break and come back renewed and refreshed!

  2. I feel you, sister: I am so ready for spring I can taste it… Here’s hoping your break brings you some much-needed time to relax and regroup!

  3. Good for you! I hope you enjoy your time away from here. I know you can’t really take time off – you still have kids! But it really is nice to just step away from computerland for a minute and not feel obligated to check emails and interact with people. Have a good rest of your week!

  4. Oh, I’ve just discovered your blog & I love it! I’ve been so inspired by all the fun you have with your boys. This winter has been long & hard on all of us. Take whatever time you need, I’ll just keep reading the archives & jotting down activity ideas to do with my two boys. Thanks.


  5. Lauren, I feel your pain! We were in California last week, and on our second day there I was still jet-lagged and getting the same amount of sleep I get at home, but I felt amazing! Clear-headed and energetic. I couldn’t believe how much difference some sun, warmer weather, and being outside makes. I hope your week off rejuvenates you. I’d be curious to hear about any other ways you cope with these endless winters because I definitely need some new ones. And we’re supposed to get 3 inches of snow tomorrow night. So much for that groundhog… 🙁

  6. Hahha. Totally one of those words where my dyslexia just kicks in. But interesting root word connection-put on the brakes 😉

  7. I know how you feel! I always seem to get a case of the blues and a feeling of being a little lost at this time of year. Hope you get some well-deserved rest and are able to have some fun as well.

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