Outfit shot was mercifully done indoors this week, as I felt bad asking Andrew to step outside in his bare feet with all the snow on the ground… poor guy has to put up with this week after week! Please disregard the butterflies flying out of my ears.
Anyway, this is what I wore to our friends’ house last weekend for an afternoon hang-out. And my hair is perpetually in braids nowadays, as it is a good way to hide my bangs, which are at such an awkward length and have been for months now as I grow them out.
Do you have any ideas for that in-between stage? In the past, I have always gotten sick of this part and just cut my bangs short again, but I am determined to make it this time around!
I am at that in between stage right now. It’s hard… I keep debating on whether to just chop them or not. I think it will be worth the wait in the end when I can put all my hair up and not have to worry about my bangs anymore. π You look so cute in that outfit!
I rather like the butterflies…
When I grew out my bangs, headbands were my best friend. I probably had four or five different types of them. But even with headbands and braids, it’s still a dark, dark time. Good luck.
Cute! Haven’t grown out my bangs in years so I’m no help, right.
You look great, spring-like even! I wore my bangs twisted and clipped for the most part when I was growing them out. I like both with and without on you. I always debate getting bangs again, because I like them, but I’m awful at cutting my own and I just don’t see how I could make monthly trips to the salon these days… plus my face gets fuller when I’m pregnant and I think bangs makes it even rounder. I think you can stick with growing them out so they aren’t on your forehead in the heat of summer, then recut them in the fall π
Super cute jumper! In the past I’ve done a side sweep and bobby pins – lots of bobby pin creations in fact!
I will do one of three things to put up my bangs. I’ll do a twist (2:20 on the first video below, except I go all the way down to my ear), and then I usually do a side braid over that same shoulder or a side bun. Or I’ll twist them on the very top of my head, pin them, and do a high bun (4:00 on the first video). Or I’ll do a diagonal french braid, starting on the side where my bangs are and ending over the opposite shoulder.
First two styles:
High bun tutorial (sorry the girl is sort of obnoxious!) – I pin my bangs back and then follow this:
which ends up looking like this:
Diagonal french braid:
YouTube has been really helpful for finding some updos I like in general. π
Or you could see a stylist and they might be able to “blend” them a bit better as they grow out.
I’m no good at braiding my own hair (so jealous of you ladies who can!), so I always use bobby pins. A former hairstylist taught me a trick where you sweep them to one side, then do a deep, temporary part of your longer hair on that side, pin your bangs under that part, and then let your hair fall back over the pin and the bangs. If you do it right (and those of us with thin hair might need to experiment with how much hair is necessary to cover up the bangs & the bobby pin), you look like you don’t have bangs at all.
I also get mine blended by a stylist as I’m growing them out, helps a lot.
Wow! Thanks, ladies! So helpful!
And Liz, your hair looks freakin amazing. I’m not sure I could figure out how to do that with my hair. You look beautiful!
I think the butterflies only add to the coolness level and prove that you really are a magical faerie, as I’ve long suspected.
I am envious of your hair skills. I’m trying to grow my hair out too, but every time I attempt a braid or anything other than just a simple bobby pin to the bangs, it looks like my hair was styled by raccoons.