Here Comes the Weekend!


I am stoked about this coming weekend! I’ve made a friend (actually, Oliver kind of made a friend for me… as it turns out, his best preschool buddy has a pretty awesome mama!) and she invited us to a little holiday party at their house. Um… I even painted my nails in gold glitter and I NEVER paint my nails. It’s the little things…

Also, we will be getting our Christmas tree at some point, and sending out the first batch of packages to family and friends. Of course, all of this will require some eggnog, a fire in the fireplace, and a few old Christmas records playing in the background, which has become our holiday tradition. Can’t wait!

Have a great weekend!

8 thoughts on “Here Comes the Weekend!”
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  1. Ooh party- fun! We had to decline the one adult holiday party we were invited to this year because we still have no babysitter πŸ™ We really need to find one in 2013, but for now we’ll just hope that we can keep luring childless friends here in the evenings with promises of homebrew πŸ™‚

    Love the sparkles!

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