Ready, Set… Poo-Poo!

Alright, I know you really just want pictures… of Milo, of my enormous belly, etc. And I’m working on it. I mean, I really want a camera. But for now, you are just going to have to settle for the Milo-isms that have taken over our household lately.

Like what Milo said this morning as he was sitting on “Blue Potty.” Neither I nor Andrew have ever said this phrase in our lives I’m sure, so this one was another Milo original. Lately, Milo’s obsession with jumping (off the bottom step, off the porch, over a toy/marker/laundry pile/sippy cup) has resulted in a lot of counting “One, two… THREE!!!” and “Ready, set… go!” around here. But this morning, running around diaperless in our living room again, Milo ran to the potty and sat down, and all was quiet. Andrew was sitting on the living room floor working on his dissertation talk, and I was across from him folding laundry. Then we heard the little voice say, “Ready, set… poo-poo!”

Apparently, that works if you ever need the encouragement.

5 thoughts on “Ready, Set… Poo-Poo!”
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  1. Awesome! and, you’re right…I can’t wait to see pics of your enormous belly! I kind of miss it…

  2. If that phrase doesn’t work, saying Arrgh!! like a pirate works like a charm in our house.

  3. I agree. Personally, I prefer the pirate “arrrr” to the ready set poo-poo. Lizzy will forever reign in the poo-poo encouragement arena

  4. Give Milo a Time Magazine to read while he’s on the potty…like Mother, like son!!!

    Love, Mom

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