Homey (ho-me). Def. 1:
The fondest of friends.
Term of endearment towards another to signify closeness.
Milo’s “homeys” are not who you think they are. No, while in the back yard gardening this morning, I discovered that Milo cannot pronounce the word “worm,” which in plural form turns into “wormies.” They are not wormies, but “homeys.”
So if you ever hear Milo screaming with glee, running toward you shouting “Milo’s Homey’s! Milo’s Homeys!” please notice what he may be carrying in his hands as he approaches, and do not assume that he thinks you are the fondest of friends.
At least his homeys are worms and not spiders, or even worse snakes!
Next thing you know he’ll have a “grill” and a “$” sign shaved into his head.
I’m bringing the pink fur coat and leopard platform boots for Milo when I visit in a few weeks. I think I also have some old gold jewelery… DC – watch out!!!