Hummer Time…

I apologize in advance for not having more pictures. I truly miss that old crappy camera on days like these, when we have beautiful weather and plenty of good photo ops because of our “family fun day.” Actually, it would be more accurate to call it “neighborhood fun day,” as Milo spent every waking moment of this day outside with the neighborhood kids, save for a few trips to the potty. But above is a tasty morsel for all you photo grubbers, taken via Andrew’s cell phone at “Public Service Day” on the Mall on Saturday while I was at my prenatal yoga class. Yes, Milo got to sit in a helicopter and Hummer (as seen above- what you can’t see is the machine gun fixed above the left side of his head)- and from what I am told, he threw two monster temper tantrums when Andrew had to take him out of these vehicles. He and Andrew also tried out a body-heat activated security device which showed just how hot Milo’s cheeks can get (they were violet) when he is running around a lot. But you could see that just from looking at the picture, anyway!

I had a fantastic Mother’s Day. Perfect. I got to sleep in until 8:00am (a whole two hours later than usual), and when I awakened on my own to a quiet house, I was lucky to take a shower ALL BY MYSELF! Woo-hoo! When I stepped out of the shower, a delicious hot chai latte was waiting for me, as well as a muffin. I took my time, got ready, even did my hair. Then I joined Andrew and Milo, who were sitting peacefully on the front porch enjoying the sunshine and 70-degree weather. It was gorgeous outside all day. We played as a family with the neighborhood kids and adults, then ate lunch and I put Milo down for a 3-hour nap while I gardened, cut up fruit salad for later, and relaxed and talked with Andrew in the front yard. Then when Milo woke up, we hauled him out of bed and headed two houses down for a neighbor’s bbq. It was really my perfect day.

I truly love where we live. There are so many kids, and so many neighbors who we get along with so well. I feel like we have made some friends who will last for a long time.

PLUS… Milo is doing so well with potty training. He never poops in his diaper anymore, just pees (and if he is at home he is all but fully potty trained if he is not wearing anything on the bottom half since he still can’t pull his own pants down). He even stopped playing in the neighbor’s back yard today, went and found Andrew, told him he needed to poop, and held it until he got to our house and sat on his little blue potty which we keep in the living room (I know, lovely conversation starter). I was so proud of him. Ah, my life’s joy. Pooping in the potty.

Singing is one of Milo’s new skills. He sings all the time now. Nameless diddies he makes up himself, like a “da, da-dee, la, laaaaa” while he is playing in the living room. It is so cute it melts my heart.

And, thank goodness, the Vanilla Ice kick is not an obsession. Nope, tonight Milo insisted that I sing the “clean up” song at bedtime. “Clean up, clean up, put your toys away away…” what a weirdo.

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