Life with Milo: Running with Sticks

Yes, he is literally running with sticks. I know, I know- he’ll poke his eye out!

Please enjoy these wonderful pictures, courtesy of Garriy of course. No, really. Enjoy them, because they are going to be the last pictures you will see of Milo in a while. My camera is busted, thanks to a little dropsy at the zoo the other day, so until I get a new one (hopefully a nice one, like one that takes a picture right away rather than 8 seconds after you press the button, or one that I can manually focus, etc.) these will have to satisfy the baby-picture hungry out there. Lucky for you, we happened to picnic in Capitol Hill yesterday with Garriy and Cat. Wonderful food and company, amazing photography. Fun was had in the 90-degree weather (was it that hot, because it sure felt like it) with Milo disregarding his overheating body and playing endless games of “chase me around the tree” while yelling “chase you, chase you!” especially with Cat. We managed to cool him off for a bit by dousing his head in cold water, hense the hairdo. On the way back from our picnic, Milo kept repeating, “Cat, Garriy… Cat, Garriy… Cat, Garriy” until he either fell asleep or passed out from sheer exhaustion in the car.

This picture was taken exactly a year ago by Garriy. Milo was eight months old… can you believe how much he has changed in only 12 months?! I was looking through pictures last night and came across this one, dated one year ago. Check out how our little muffin has grown!
Amazing. And to think, we will be doing this all over again in a few months… it’s crazy and exciting.

Milo may be getting the concept of a baby growing in there (and he says it is in my uterus, not my belly). Today we visited Mary and Ben and Mary’s sister was there with her new baby, Noah. Milo showed no interest in the baby, but after we got home, hours later, he came up to my belly, asked me to lift up my shirt. When I did, he pointed to my stomach and said, “Noah. Baby Noah,” while nodding his head. It was crazy. I don’t know what that means, but I took it to mean that maybe he gets that there is a little baby in there. He has been with me for my prenatal visits and has heard NewBaby’s heartbeat twice, and we tell him that his baby brother is growing inside Mommy’s uterus, but until today I was pretty sure he didn’t get any of it. And maybe he doesn’t. But of course, my kid’s a genius just because he is my kid. So bear with me and roll your eyes if you must. I can’t see you anyway.
April. One year ago. Honestly.

3 thoughts on “Life with Milo: Running with Sticks”
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  1. Oh my gosh, I love the hair! He is getting so big and looking so much like Andrew! I love that he says uterus too! I hope that you are feeling well! Post a pic of you!!!!

  2. What a beautiful boy…man, I wish we had friends who like to take such stunning photos of our kids, too! Reina says “Milo Milo Milo Baby Milo”

  3. I recommend a point and shoot camera when you have multiple kids. I have a nice camera but don’t use it as often as I would like because I always have my hands full. You need a camera that you can whip out and take a decent picture with one hand.

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