The Lazy Weekend


This past weekend was a lazy one for us. We spent most of our waking hours enjoying the weather, taking long walks and frequenting playgrounds. Milo got a little sunburn on Sunday (oops!) when we hiked to an extra-sunny playground and didn’t think to apply sunscreen (it’s the end of October, for pete’s sake!).




We played games like “chase the butterfly” as tons of monarchs (I think?) are migrating south for the winter and must be passing through our neighborhood for the last of the flowers… and “leaf catch,” which involves 100 points for whoever can catch a leaf falling from a tree before it hits the ground (harder than it sounds, for sure).


On Saturday night, Andrew and I met up with friends at the Trampled By Turtles concert, where we had a little too much fun and were feeling rather… um… sluggish the next morning, if you catch my drift. Ugh. I seriously don’t know how people go out more than once a month when they have little ones who wake up at 6am the next morning! But man oh man do I love these guys. One of my favorite songs:

Also? I did manage to witness this unlikely event yesterday: DSC_0088


Oliver protecting Emil. Usually it’s Milo who dashes to the rescue, but I guess big brother instincts are developing in our Oliver after all. He really does love his little troublemaker. I mean brother.

8 thoughts on “The Lazy Weekend”
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  1. I wonder what the dynamic will be between your younger two? Maybe those last pictures are an indicator that O can step up to fill M’s shoes if needed. Birth order is fascinating to me, I love that Oliver seems to be overcoming the need to be the dethroned baby and is exploring his options as big brother!

  2. We’ve had a lot of monarchs in our area, too! They are so pretty! And I really have no idea how people with kids go out. We only have one and he doesn’t even wake up that early and we still can’t do it!

  3. Fun fun! It is so hard to go out, sleep has to be the biggest prize when you have little kids, even more precious than fun 🙂 But it’s good to get out there once in a while.

    So sweet to see those brother’s in action. Pretty soon it will actually be easier having a whole bunch of kids. Right? Maybe?!

  4. I discovered that the best kind of date nights are the ones where the kids sleep over at someone else’s house, because then you don’t have to wake up until 8 or 9 a.m. So you get the fun AND the recovery time. (The downside is trying to find someone who will take the kids for overnight.)

  5. What a beautiful song – guess I should check them out a little more! Such a cute pic of you and your hubby. I know what you mean about not being able to fully recover from a late night. My body can no longer spring back like it used to! 🙂

    Love the pics of Oliver and Emil.

  6. Holy monkeys, that song is gorgeous. I haven’t heard of Trampled By Turtles before, but this is definitely going to be added to my “to get” list of music. And I completely agree about going out and how you feel the following day. I am just unable to function the next day and can’t understand how people do that on a regular basis.

    Your neighborhood seems so great with all of the fun things you’re able to walk to, and so many of them being family friendly. I’m glad you’re taking full advantage of it.

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