April Showers

Yes, the boots again. And could Milo be wearing any more stripes? And do you like the fake smile he is putting on for the camera? Blame the vacant stare on the discomfort he is surely feeling as his boots are filled with three inches of water… something I discovered once I removed them over the living room rug as I chased him into the living room to prevent the mud and slop from going all over the house. Oops. And yes, his hair is soaking wet, as are his pants, sweatshirt, and every article of clothing on his body, thanks to our little puddle-jumping adventures today. But man, was it fun!

5 thoughts on “April Showers”
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  1. Looks like FUN! Hope it rains when Grandmom comes to visit in June! Milo and I will go DIRECTLY to the livingroom afterwards! HA!

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