Our Little Weirdo

No, it’s not Halloween yet… this is just a taste of Milo’s style. With this new independent streak comes choices. Oh, the choices! Today he picked out his tee shirt, footwear, and eyewear, and insisted on wearing this outfit on our way to pick up Andrew from the airport. What an eclectic young man.

We are so looking forward to summer, thanks to a taste of beautiful weather on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Today, not so much, but three days in a row of warm, sunny weather showed us how much fun we are in store for this summer. While Andrew was out of town on business and pleasure, Milo and I went to the Air and Space Museum, the playground, the zoo, took a day trip to Baltimore to look at the boats (Milo is obsessed with water right now), took walks in the woods and threw rocks into the creek, and played with the hoards of neighborhood kids. I truly do love this city. There is so much to do for free with a little kid… there’s a lot to do without a little kid, but it’s so much more fun to explore with a toddler who is amazed by every little thing he encounters.

I don’t have much else to report, but will try to take some funny videos of the Bum. Lord knows he does enough funny things… they are just so much harder to catch on film now that he understands what the camera is and what it does!

1 thought on “Our Little Weirdo”
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  1. This picture is PRICELESS!!! What a happy little boy! (I need to borrow those boots). Good job, Milo, you’re a real ‘clothes horse’!

    Love, Mom

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