Oh, we are in so much trouble. This one is the most fearless kid I have ever met. Oh, Emil. Slow down, little dude!
Oh, and bear with me on these posts about Emil and what he does and does not do. Truth be told, this blog is currently serving as his baby book. He still doesn’t have one, and at this point, I figure what’s the point? But I do love looking back on his first year and marveling at how quickly things change.
Emil’s physical prowess is seriously impressive. I take no credit for anything my kids do–this included. He is supremely confident on his feet; leaning into a constant run from place to place. He is fast. He can climb. He will slide down the slide all by himself with no one around and is completely unperturbed if he ends up face-first in the dirt. And just this week he has started to jump with both feet off the floor (which I’m pretty sure Oliver just learned how to do at 2 1/2 years old, and, in Oliver’s defense, is totally developmentally age-appropriate). Yep, we may just have another jumper.
Last week on a warm day, Emil was wandering around barefoot and stumbled upon a patch of clover flowers in our back yard. He grabbed a bee in one hand, then stepped on another. He shrieked, but then almost immediately stopped crying to watch me pull out the two stingers. Then he was squirming to be put down so he could run back outside. Slightly worrisome, that one.
Emil has basically two words, and neither of them indicate needing anything or anyone. No, he does not say Mama or Papa or milk or juice. He says dog and ball. These are two of his favorite things, and he will talk about them constantly. Wherever there is a dog in view or within earshot, Emil will point, say excitedly, “DOG!” and then imitate a dog barking. It is pure comic relief, the little baby woofs he does.
Despite my best efforts, Emil will have nothing to do with reading books. That would require sitting still on someone’s lap, and the only time he allows for sitting still is when he nurses (and even then it’s a stretch for him to be still– we are entering the acrobatic nursing stage, apparently).
He eats everything, but I’d have to say his favorite foods are scrambled eggs, any kind of roasted vegetable, kale with lots of lemon juice, and bananas. He refuses to use a sippy cup, instead opting for (I mean screaming for) a plastic cup with a straw like Oliver and Milo. And when he’s through with that, he simply throws said cup over his shoulder and hits the gym. So to speak.
And through all this? He is the most delightful little person. Extremely social, friendly, and easy to laugh. He waves hello to every stranger, dances and stomps on the floor out of excitement when we have visitors, claps for his brothers when they do something cool. Oh, and speaking of brothers, Emil thinks Milo and Oliver are the coolest, as evidenced by his high-pitched screams as he attempts to imitate their rambunctious laughter when they chase each other round and round every evening before bed. These three were definitely meant to be.
What a cutie-patootie. I think it’s a youngest thing. My ‘baby’ spends all her time trying to catch up to her older siblings, and she is the bravest, toughest girl I know. No fear whatsoever. Which terrifies me because she’s in swimming lessons now.
It sounds like he has such an amazing personality and is so brave. I don’t know many children or even adults who would react so calmly to bee stings.
Oh my gosh, Sara, I know! I am the biggest baby and probably would be at least on the verge of tears (if not crying) if I got stung by two bees! He’s a crazy baby.
What an awesome little dude!
He is such a little cutie. I got stung by a bee over the summer (it wedged into my sandal), I seriously sat down in the park and cried! Luckily the pain was brief but it was so bad. He’s quite the tough guy
I can’t believe how fast he is growing, pretty soon he really will be keeping up with the big boys.
My second son was so much more agile than my first and I fear what this third boy will be like!
Ah! Can’t believe the bee story! But darn it if he doesn’t sound like one funny character.
Your kids are so cool, and it’s so neat to see how they all interact with each other.
Um, I don’t have baby books for either of my kids. Or photo albums. Or any printed photos of them hanging on our walls. Because I’m The Crap when it comes to that sort of thing and if we were robbed right now, the robbers would have no idea what any of us looked like because we are pictureless. So lame.
The bee story is amazing! That he calmed down to watch you take out the stingers. Such a fearless little dude.