Yay Fall!


Can I just join the stereotype today? You know, the one where everyone goes on and on about how great fall is. You know why they do that? Because it is.

The lighting? Magical. In the afternoons before dinner, I’ve been taking the boys to the playground and I catch myself staring for way too long at the changing light in the trees while Emil runs off to climb up onto some dangerously high structure. The colors, the lengthening shadows, I can’t get enough.



The boys clearly feel the same way. Last weekend I caught them amidst the bright orange mums (by the way… I swear I planted bright red mums two years ago, but they come back a different color every fall– is this normal?!) first playing with and chasing a large praying mantis, then gathering petals into cupped hands and throwing them up while yelling, “Yippeeeeeeee!!!” 



Oliver. The Hair.




This weekend is going to be another good one, I think. Andrew and I are going to a little music venue with our cool friends on Saturday night which also means the boys get to see Elisa!

Hope you have a fantastic fall weekend!

P.s.- I can’t believe how the temperature has dropped around here since I took these pictures! No more tank tops and bare feet until next year…

6 thoughts on “Yay Fall!”
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  1. You know, fall gets the love because it deserves it. It’s just true! I think I may have said it before but Oliver has my favorite hair on the internet. Are you still thinking about going for his color? I get the urge…it’s beautiful!

  2. The hair! He has serious hair power (that’s what my mom always called mine as a kid, I think it means plentiful and with a mind all its own- it’s awesome). I also love the leaf confetti, and the tank tops- those are long since gone here.

    Enjoy your night out- always such a treat and nothing better than live music!

  3. Oliver’s hair is truly marvelous. And photos of people jumping in the air are always the best thing ever.

    I don’t know if you’ve talked about it on here before, but is that a guest house in your back yard? When we lived in California, it seems like every house had one, and I’m a little obsessed with the idea of building one on our property one day.

  4. Your fall is SO much further along than ours. Our leaves are just now starting to turn. We won’t peak until November and we have so many pines and magnolias that all those evergreens make me wonder every year if we really will see leaves change! Cooler today though. It’s coming.

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