Happy Easter

We are enjoying the weather today, preparing for a sucky weekend of cold, rainy Easter weather. Milo is cracking us up with his language these days. He has started combining words to make short sentences like, “Yes, Dad,” or “Come on Proudie!” and “Play-doh… eat it?” He is such a funny little character. The other day as I was bringing laundry up from the basement, I overheard Milo at the top of the stairs, calling out the back door to the neighbor boys (who were playing basketball in the back and too far away to hear him) “Hi guys!” in a sweet voice followed by “HI GUYS” in a scary, deep voice. He did this over and over again, “hi guys! HI GUYS!” I have no idea where he gets this stuff.
Potty training is going only so-so. Ever since we got back from Texas, Milo has had a take-it-or-leave-it attitude with the potty. As in, he’ll go on it if we put him there and loves wearing his big boy underpants around the house, but also doesn’t care that much if he pees himself. But he’s still young and the good thing is he is totally freaked out by pooping in his diaper now. He definitely tries to make it to the potty for that. Baby steps.

I’m feeling good. Feeling NewBaby kicking all the time now, which is really cool. I love that feeling! It reminds me that he is in there, and healthy, and will be joining us as this summer winds down. I can’t believe this will be my last summer with just Milo. Come autumn, there will be two young bums to cart to the pumpkin patch, then two little guys to celebrate the holidays with. How much fun! I can’t wait to meet him.

3 thoughts on “Happy Easter”
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  1. Happy Easter! Either of these pictures would make a sweet Easter card. Lauren, your garden is so pretty, and truly reflects Spring in D.C. Beautiful! Love to you all.

    Love, Mom

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