DIY Fun: Leaf Match


This one is another really quick, easy, and free DIY activity. We had some cardboard left over from an old box that we were tossing into the recycling bin, when I decided instead to cut it up and save it for later. And later turned out to be today! Instead of tossing this nice flat piece, we made a leaf match game. And when the boys are finished with this, we can toss it into the recycling bin with no regrets.

Materials Needed:

  • flat piece of cardboard or large piece of paper
  • marker or pen
  • various leaves


I picked up some leaves from the yard and found enough varying shapes to make the board relatively easy for my three-year-old to figure out. But my five-year-old enjoyed it just as much!

Simply trace around each leaf pattern, then place the leaves inside a big book to press them until you are ready to start the matching.





… preferably a big, heavy book!

When you are ready to start, place the leaves (or anything else you choose to use) to one side of the game board, and let the kids match up the leaves to each shape.





(fyi- I don’t recommend using flowers, as the petals will fall right off. Oops.)


Next goal? Work on sharing.

P.s.- Don’t feel limited by leaves. You can also use any household items or kitchen tools or even different toys to trace around for just as much fun! 

2 thoughts on “DIY Fun: Leaf Match”
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  1. Great idea, I love all of your leaf activities and I really want to tackle some before the fall is out. We collected a bunch of leaves this week and I pressed them in hopes of doing the whole iron wax paper thing today… but it’s been a very tumultuous day for young Wyatt so perhaps tomorrow! He isn’t quite up to matching yet, but I’ll put this on file 🙂

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