Back in college… long ago when I was just a young pup, Andrew and his roommate Dave used to come up with the most disgusting food combinations that they could muster in order to taunt a certain over-eager drunken co-ed into tossing her cookies. And yes, it worked. At least they claim it did. But who knows. When one has consumed too many alcoholic beverages for her own good, the upchuck might be inevitable (also coined by a friend actually called Danimal as an LPG, or “Lauren Pukes Guaranteed”). The winner of these atrocious combinations? Warm buttermilk and hotdogs. As in, “Lauren, do you want us to make you a plate of warm buttermilk and hotdogs right now? It might make you feel better.” [insert image of drunken college girl running to the bathroom to vomit here].
What does this have to do with Milo, you ask? See for yourself. And if you don’t feel ill after watching this video, maybe you would if you had five shots of tequila.
Alright, to be fair, it was veggie sausage, so I guess that makes it a little less disgusting. Milo’s new game of “hide the food item in yogurt” is commonplace around here. Usually it’s a strawberry or piece of banana, but occasionally we get lucky with a dollop of egg or some sausage. Mmmmm. Hopefully Milo will teach NewBaby all his tricks.
And speaking of the young male fetus, I am definitely used to the idea of having two sons. I take that back. I am THRILLED! I do want a daughter, but there’s time for that. I do think I was secretly hoping for a brother for Milo. I see how close Andrew is to his two older brothers, and what great memories they created together. And yes, those stories include plenty of fights and trouble-making, but it seems to me that when they all get together, they really are like three best buddies. And though not all siblings are blessed to be as close as best friends, I hope my two boys will be just that.
Now… for a name Andrew and I agree on. 5 months to decide, thank goodness, because right now there is no agreement on that front!
Ewwww….gross. But he does look so cute playing with his food.
He looks like Andrew in that video, so maybe you can blame those genes for that mud-pie making streak! Yuck. Glad prissy Reina hates messy fingers. Good luck with that x2 Lauren! Get out the hose!
This footage reminds me of the drive home from the Olive Garden… teenagers in the back seat seeing if they can make the grossest wretching sounds after a ‘too large’ creamy alfredo dinner, sending the driver into frantic, eye-watering pleas to stop, to avoid vomiting on the front floor, and laughing hysterically at the same time. Oh, those were the days! Mom
I just puked a little in my mouth. By the way, you forgot one…the one where we would sing the circus music and tell you to envision being on a merry-go-round.
The video of Milo is so ironic..Jack has just started insisting on placing fruit from his tray into the yogurt container that I am holding…then reaching in and fishing for it 🙂 Do you have to let them explore??!
PS – Thank you so much for Jack’s birthday package! It made it right in time for the big day!
I think a picture exists of Andrew with that exact haircut (Easter Egg hunt at Nana’s house anyone?). The last shot of Milo’s “cheese” made the sausage/yogurt combo all worthwhile.