11 thoughts on “It’s a….”
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  1. I am absolutely thrilled! Milo will teach him everything you have taught him, so perhaps your job will be alittle easier! Lauren, you were a ‘Little Mother’ with your little brother – telling me that Jon was on the verge of choking on a grape, hiding in the corner doing it in his diaper, etc.
    Let the laughter begin!!!
    Love, Mom (Joan)

  2. Andrew is only capable of producing boys…his baby batter comes equipped with a mustache and a tool belt.

  3. The good news is that two kids of the same sex makes a lot of logistics issues simpler, but don’t count on them being best friends.

  4. YAY! We are counting on a beach reunion football game – soon there will be enough boys for a whole team!

    Kelly, Jon, and Jack

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