We have officially started potty training Milo, and though I don’t expect him to be fully trained for quite a few months, in the past 3 days he has made impressive progress. Lately Milo has shown us several times that he is interested and ready to try the potty… consider yourselves warned that this post may focus on material that most may find either boring or gross!
I am aware that a lot of people probably think 18 months is a little too young to potty train a kid, and maybe they are right. But I assure you we are in no way pushing Milo to do this, and I fully expect it to take a while. However, I do have to admit that the thought of having him out of diapers by the time NewBaby comes in August is quite appealing to us (and our budget).
And so far so good! Milo pees on his little potty every single time we put him on it, and just yesterday he started going to it and sitting on it by himself. He gets so excited every time he goes. It is so cute to see him stand up, look into his potty and say “DID IT!” with a big smile on his face. He has also stayed dry for a few naps (one nap was 3 hours long and he woke up dry and asking to use the potty!) this week. The first thing he wants to do in the morning is use the potty, and always asks to go before bathtime and bedtime. I was actually excited last night when giving him a bath, Milo stopped playing, looked up at me, and said “Uh-oh. Did it.” I asked if he peed in the tub and he said, “yes.” He is paying attention to how it feels to have to “go,” which is a good sign, I think. He also says “pee pee!” if he accidentally goes on the floor now, where before he would just ignore it, or worse, try to play in it. We are taking it slowly, letting Milo take the lead and let us know when he is ready to take the next step. He did pick out some “big boy undies” yesterday and got a kick out of wearing a pair for a couple of hours. Now the pooping… not so much. And let me tell those few of you who don’t already know, cleaning up poop logs off the floor is about as much fun as you can imagine.
Moving on… we visited my Uncle Eric and Aunt Dawn at their house in Edgewood Maryland last Sunday for a cookout and another visit with Aunt Barb and Uncle Steve as they passed through on their way back to Boston. Milo set a record for longest time anyone has never stopped running, and even got to climb his first tree (with his Great-Uncle Steve’s help, of course).
Amazingly, Milo stayed up all day and didn’t fall asleep on the drive home, despite being utterly exhausted. So much running. So much fun. Can’t… fall… asleep.
… We both had a long recovery the next morning. Being a toddler sure is tough.
NewBaby news: I felt him/her kicking for the first time on Wednesday! It was an amazing feeling and I can’t wait to find out if he is a she or she is a he. Only two weeks!
Awesome Lauren, keep up the good work. It is great that both you and him are interested in potty training at the same time. We trained Ava at a little over two and it took about a month for her to get it. Two down one to go. Do you think it is too early for Casey?