Auntie Krista Knows Best

Krista’s comment on the last post confused me. At first, I thought, “Krista’s artsy-fartsy and could probably come up with some solid lyrics like that.” But, much like I would do with a student essay that looks a little too good, I decided to throw the lyrics into the google to see what would pop out.

What an inspirational treat. A bit of background…I know now that when we were growing up, my brothers and I were our single mom’s chick flick friends. You see, at 5 or 6 years old, you’re incapable of knowing that it really isn’t that cool to love the movie Beaches or, yes, Flashdance. I remember adoring this movie when my mom forced my brothers and me to watch it with her. I even think she stuck some lesson at the end of it for us about following our dreams. Well, it’s possible that some of the moves in the last few videos are the remnants of aspirations long ago crushed by some hard-nosed math or science teacher.
Enough with the words. To see the far-fetched link to Krista’s comment, scroll to about 1:23 and, if you’re not in an office, crank the volume; no one will know.

3 thoughts on “Auntie Krista Knows Best”
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  1. A few points:
    1. I, for the record, never “loved” Beaches or Flashdance. Just because you have the whole soundtrack committed to memory, does not mean you love it.
    2. It is possible to know that at age 5 or 6. Certainly, the Bum, at a robust age of 1, should be able to figure it out. If he can do a sit out, he can know that Flashdance is – how Charles Barkley would say, “TRBL.”


  2. I wonder if Jonathan still has that little pink leotard and Superman cape. He could give us his rendition of this video during the next family holiday…everyone is invited!!! Let’s plan on it!

    Mom (Joan)

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