I’ve been horrible at posting lately… sorry for the delay in details about baby #2 (whom I will refer to as NewBaby, as Milo is now our OldBaby), but I have a good reason! Or a few good reasons, actually. First reason, I am lazy. And I don’t feel well. Second reason, we are extremely boring around here. Not much going on save a few weekly playdates and going to the gym. But the main reason… I have been terrified to tell anyone about NewBaby because I had my doubts about his/her existence until last Thursday’s ultrasound!
NewBaby has been quite elusive, evading all attempts to find fetal heart tones, and laying low (literally) enough that I didn’t even feel pregnant. But it is now safe to say, at 15 weeks, NewBaby is doing well and will most likely stick around after all! Above is a picture of the profile, upside down (sorry, I’m just not that technologically saavy so take it or leave it). For those of you who don’t look at these pictures very often, the head is down on the lower right corner, with the face looking into the lower left corner. The body is a blur in this one, but the sonographer said as far as she could tell everything looks normal. We will find out more, including the sex of the baby (YAY!) in about a month, at the end of March.
So place your bets now… what do you think? Boy? Girl? I can picture us with either, and honestly can’t say that I would rather have one over the other. So… we win!
Milo is going through a bit of a “difficult” phase. Call it the terrible two’s at 18 months, but it might just be that we are so cooped up inside lately, and he is definitely fighting something in the cold arena. Either way his new favorite word seems to be an emphatic “no.” As in, do you want to sit on your potty? “NO!” Or, it’s time to eat. “NO!” Or, sit down in the shopping cart, please. “NO!” And lately, don’t ask me where he even learned this phrase, it has evolved to “no way!” Like, we have to change your diaper. “No way!” Or, give me the marker, please. “No way!” It’s pretty funny at times, and infuriating at others. But surprisingly, despite the constant “no’s,” Milo is still pretty agreeable and accomodating. For now.
Milo’s vocabulary continues to increase, and his pronounciation of some words is hilarious. He knows all his body parts, and pronounces nipples “mimmips.” Tunnel is “nunna,” he calls earplugs (which are soft and squishy) “tishies,” markers are “mupmups,” crayons are “dayns,” excuse me is “moomee,” and bless you is “essoo.” Andrew also taught him how to say “octogon,” which he pronounces clearly, and how to really get down to music (saying “uh, uh” along to a song while dancing- man, I wish I could get this on video). Okay, I could go on and on with this list, so I’ll stop there.
Here are some videos of Andrew and Milo freaking out right before bedtime. I know his push-ups need some work, but Andrew is also teaching Milo “sit out, turn in,” a wrestling maneuver.
And more freaking out. He obviously does NOT want to do “Ring Around the Rosy.”
Oh, so I forgot to say that Milo’s little brother or sister will be arriving a little over a week before his 2nd birthday: due date somewhere around August 24th. We can’t wait to meet him/her and see Milo with a little sibling! Our family is growing and we couldn’t be happier!
I’m giggling so much at those videos, I don’t know whether to comment on NewBaby of OldBaby! First, NewBaby, whatever he/she is, has a lovely round noggin. I have no guess on gender, just glad things are progressing well.
As for the kooky OldBaby. He is one wild dude! Was all that action an attempt to tire him out before bed? Did it work?
We’ll get him to Ring around that Rosey, just you wait. Reina is very persuasive!
First, we all saw how well Reina can ring the rosey – not well.
Second, you have a lot of work to do. His sit out is pathetic. I see no attempts at wrist control. He flops to his back way too easy. I doubt he could even jump once with a heavy rope. The Dude is going to tear that little Bum apart then turn on new baby.
Meanwhile, Reina will still be falling on her face and saying “Uh oh”
Annie, normally Milo loves Ring Around the Rosey. He and Andrew do an amped-up version (of course) at the speed of light. And no, we were actually following Milo’s lead. He gets crazy like that every night at around 6:00pm, running laps around the house and smacking his belly. He is a wild one. But it does seem to help at bedtime!
And Ryan, I will take your comment with a grain of salt. Your little Dude should probably just give up and go into baby modeling. Really, he’s very cute… pretty, even, but I wouldn’t put him up against the Bum just yet.
That video is a riot. Sure is obvious that GoodDaddy spends a great deal of time with OldBaby!! Pretty fancy feat (and feet) for someone so young!! NewBaby is lucky to be joining this family. Way to go Milo!!
It’s a girl!
Oops, sorry…. the “Mom (Mo)” came from the password from Kelly/Jon,Jack’s blog. Geez, life can be so complicated. Wrong Mom. Sorry for confusion.
I am SURE I see a frilly dress in there with NewBaby! Who wants to place a bet on that? Milo is surely going to teach her/him how to ‘bust a move’!!! What an awesome family to be welcomed into!
Love you, Mom (Joan)
…It can cut you like a knife, if the gift becomes the fire
On a wire between will and what will be
He’s a maniac, maniac on the floor
And he’s dancing like he’s never danced before
He’s a maniac, maniac on the floor
And he’s dancing like he’s never danced before…
and congrats on NewBaby.
Love, Krista
My money is on another baby boy.