Milo is healing nicely. The only indication of anything out of the ordinary is his trouble sleeping at night. Of course. He had been doing really well (for Milo) at night before the surgery, but now he is waking up every two hours screaming. In a couple of nights, when I’m sure he’s not waking up because of pain, he will be crying it out for a while. But for now, I’m still keeping a close eye on him just in case.
The weather around here has been incredible. We were lucky to receive the best part over the weekend. On Sunday, it was sunny and reached the upper 60’s!!! It is early February, right? Not complaining here. We took advantage by walking up to the stables yesterday and watching the horses run. Some of the girls let Milo pet their horses while they groomed them. He has been neighing at random times ever since.
Milo also had a great time with a few of the neighborhood kids on both days. We got a lot of use out of the wagon again, which I can see will be a popular toy this summer. Since our neighbors two doors down have a two-seater wagon as well, the kids took part in inventing many dangerous wagon-racing games, often involving a transfer from one wagon to the other mid-race. Milo was on the sidelines for those, obviously!
But it is nice to see how the older kids are gentle with Milo, and always give him a turn too. The challenge is that most of the neighborhood kids are at least a year or two older than Milo, but Milo still wants to do what they are doing. Like have a snowball fight. Or play football. Or ride his scooter in the street. Yikes.
Other random stuff:
Milo is obsessed with wearing the broken sunglasses Gram got for him a while back. Only he puts them on like this:
… and don’t try to fix them. That, according to Milo, is how they are supposed to be worn. I had to fight them away from him both yesterday and today for naptime.
He is one strange cookie. Last night Andrew and I were making dinner in the kitchen and we kept hearing “Ohhhh, Noooo!” in a very exaggerated tone coming from the living room. We peered in to find Milo lying on his back amidst a bunch of alphabet cards just staring up at the ceiling. Interesting. So we went back into the kitchen. “Ohhhh, Noooooooo!” again. We peek in, and he is running “carefully” across the cards TRYING to slip again. He slips, lays there on his back, staring at the ceiling, and says dramatically, “ohhh, nooo.” Again. And again. And again. For at least 20 minutes Milo occupied himself by slipping, falling, and “oh no-ing” while Andrew and I watched, cracking up as quietly as possible as we peeked around the corner. Is this what our parents did with us when we did cooky things? I can definitely picture it.
And the last random tidbit I have is a picture of Milo with my aunt and uncle, Barb and Steve, who came to visit us a couple of weeks ago. They stayed one day and night on their way down to Florida for a reprieve from the harsh Massachusetts winter. Milo LOVED hanging out with them, and was quite worried whenever one of them left the room or went upstairs to use the restroom! He has a bit of trouble with good-bye’s. We wish Barb and Steve could have stayed a little longer. It was great to catch up and share stories. But we will be seeing them again soon in March!
You rock those glasses Milo. I wish I had a pair. Tell Mommy to leave you alone, you have you own style. Hehe