Milo is doing fantastic!
It is amazing how much better our experience was this time around… whether it was because we waited an hour and a half rather than four hours in the waiting room, or because Milo wasn’t hungry because it was only 6am when we arrived at the hospital, or maybe because we knew what to expect, or that Milo is 3 months older and seemed to handle this so much better. Whatever it was, together or alone, it was smooth sailing with Milo’s surgery and recovery.
Watching him now, you would never guess that he had invasive surgery just this morning. He napped most of the car ride home and was easily transferred to his crib, where he slept off the remainder of his anesthesia hang-over and woke up at 1:00 happily smiling and babbling in his crib. He then devoured an entire cheese sandwich, some crackers, and fruit salad, along with another plug of apple juice, and has been playing happily in our living room ever since. No delay this time in walking around or even running, which I made him stop doing! Crazy.
So thanks for all your nice emails, phone calls, and messages about the little guy. He is doing great, and so are we, knowing that this is the last surgery and we can put this whole ordeal behind us!
I’m so happy all is well! We were thinking about you guys. Way to go Milo!
Milo is a real trouper! While he was in the operating room, he was advising the surgeons how to be more efficient. He is doing a follow up in two weeks with the surgical team to see if they’ve taken his advice. (and you thought they wanted to see him for his post surgical follow up visit).
Love you, Mom
We're glad to see the little guy is doing so well.
Gary (& Cat)