A Better Day


Everywhere I look I see work to be done. Laundry to fold. Plants and gardens to be tended to and watered. Countertops to de-clutter and wipe down. Food to cook. Bathrooms to clean. Floors to mop and toys to put away and vacuuming and dusting and and and… and we need milk.

Wednesday morning I woke up with a nasty headache that progressively got worse as the morning wore on. I met up with my buddy Ingrid and her kids at the playground and was not pleasant to be around, unfortunately. (sorry Ingrid) After leaving and driving the kids home, that nasty headache had turned the corner into a full-fledged migraine, and then the mother-of-all-migraines, which is to say I was in so much pain I actually considered going to a doctor. Only, I knew what was going on and that there was nothing anyone could do. Once a migraine is in full force, medication doesn’t tend to do anything. Plus, I’m breastfeeding, so that’s out anyway. All afternoon I tossed and turned while Elisa, then Andrew cared for the kids and fed them dinner, then in the evening I huddled over the toilet for the grand finale until finally I fell asleep around 10pm. Miserable, but for the most part, over.

And after one day of lost productivity, I feel overwhelmed and behind. It’s amazing, after one day, how much housework piles up. But it will have to wait. I have superheroes to walk to the playground (a delightful job I will put off housework for any day)!

Happy weekend!

8 thoughts on “A Better Day”
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  1. Being sick as a stay-at-home mom is the worst! I’ve never had a migraine, but I’ve had kidney stones before and they are pretty miserable too. (Although morphine does help out quite a bit. And now I sound like a druggie.)
    Eventually you’re going to get caught up (as much as a mom with three boys can) and hopefully you steer clear of more migraines for a long time. Enjoy your superheroes!

  2. Oh ick! That sounds miserable and so glad that you’re feeling better today. Let that housework slide- you deserve it.

    And your boys put together the coolest of costumes that I’ve ever seen!

  3. Ugh. So sorry about your migraine. The absolute worst. Glad you are feeling better.
    Mopping and dusting?! Sounds like you need to give yourself a break mama!

  4. Frack. I am so sorry that you suffer from migraines. Compounded by the fact that moms can’t take sick days. When I come to live in your hall closet, I will totally be on child care duty for you if you have another rough migraine day.

  5. Oh, man! That sounds awful. When Mom is sick it’s definitely noticeable in the house the next day – not like when Dad is sick. 😉

    Love your boys superhero style! I think our boys would get along swimmingly.


  6. That photo of the boys … Lol
    Wish I had the answer for your migraines & I sure do hope they lessen with age.
    Been there… @ times they’re triggered by weather changes. It’s been cooler, beautiful & BRIGHT here in Ohio, so I’m wondering if you had the same & that was your trigger?
    As Scarlet would say… There’s always tomorrow -for cleaning ; )

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