I know it is a bit strange with no explanation. Andrew put it up!
It’s actually from this website: wordle.net. You can put in your blog (it will do the entire month’s worth of entries) and it selects the most commonly used words, ordering them largest (most commonly used words) to smallest. It has the option to take out the most common words, such as “and” and “the” or “I” but it’s also cool to leave those in to see how much you talk about yourself in your blog!
Fascinating! I tried it and it really is amazing to see what I’m talking about…candy was pretty large. It has so many options and would make really cute wall art in a kids room? Did you already beat me to that idea?
That’s really interesting, Lauren. Did you make it? How? I looked and looked but didn’t see “bum” on there!
I know it is a bit strange with no explanation. Andrew put it up!
It’s actually from this website: wordle.net. You can put in your blog (it will do the entire month’s worth of entries) and it selects the most commonly used words, ordering them largest (most commonly used words) to smallest. It has the option to take out the most common words, such as “and” and “the” or “I” but it’s also cool to leave those in to see how much you talk about yourself in your blog!
I would’ve thought the Blog was about Andrew, given the 2nd and 3rd most commmonly used words are “little” and “hard.”
Fascinating! I tried it and it really is amazing to see what I’m talking about…candy was pretty large. It has so many options and would make really cute wall art in a kids room? Did you already beat me to that idea?