Milo is back up and running… I mean dancing. His skills have really improved in the past few days. Note in the first video, his dancing merely consists of bobbing up and down. But only a day later he’s getting pretty jazzy, adding head nods, an arm swing, and some lyrics. Doesn’t it sound like he’s saying, “Watch out?”
Watch out, indeed… Justin Timberlake.
He looks like Forrest Gump, dancing along to Elvis practicing.
No way, not Forrest, just Elvis. Milo can rock! The music was ok, too, Andrew.
Andrew HAS to bring his guitar when you all visit during Christmas! With all the cheer, wine and food, Milo will be AWESOME entertainment for us! My cheeks hurt just from laughing at this blog!
Love, Mom
Glad to see that Milo is doing well.
Mini Hercules
Milo could definately show Josephine a thing or two.
Who’s the homeless guy playing guitar?
Milo is almost taller than Andrew.
Actually, if you listen carefully, Milo seems to be saying: What is a duck mom?!