As I try to catch up on the summer’s festivities, I seem perpetually at least a week behind! But pictures are pictures… take ’em or leave ’em!
Over the last weekend in June, Andrew, Milo, and I made the trip to Princeton, NJ to celebrate the wedding of Andrew’s good friend from graduate school, Lisa. Milo was a perfect angel on the 3-hour car ride there, despite hitting some nasty traffic. He was also fantastic at the hotel before the wedding and reception, especially since the hotel had plenty of fun things to do and see (namely huge carpeted areas to crawl around and find specks of dirt and debris to inspect, and hoards of overgrown goldfish to point at).
The wedding itself was in the beautiful Cathedral on Princeton’s campus. Even Milo was enthralled by the ceremony!
Okay… not that enthralled.
(In all fairness, the ceremony itself was short and sweet)
We then proceeded to top off our “Parents of the Year” award-worthy night by keeping our child up 3 hours past his bedtime while most adults were consuming too much alcohol and far too much red meat. I only partook in the latter consumption, which made me feel just as ill. (Disclaimer: the food was amazing, AMAZING, and I only felt ill because of my gluttonous choices, so difficult to hold back with such amazing food).
Of course, Milo fell asleep before his head hit the crib that night…
If only he had stayed asleep. Every hour, folks. Screaming. In a hotel room. And the grand finale… even after I brought him into bed with us, our little cherub was wide awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6:00am.
Argument with husband at 3am due to utter exhaustion, check.
Migraine, check.
Long drive home the next morning while still completely exhausted, check.
Lesson learned? Check.
If any consolation (probably not)Reina won’t sleep on her own in a hotel room at all. Even now. I guess that’s not much fun to look forward to…but at least you’re not bad parents! Blame the kid!
That’s a sweet red t-shirt.
Absolutely awesome.
He should have worn that to the wedding.