Summer Bum

Posting is so much harder in the summer…. we’re just so busy having fun during the day that I’m too exhausted in the evenings to do much of anything. It also does not help that Milo still has nights (like last night) when he wakes up 3 times!!! So here’s a bit of a catch-up post for the past two weeks.

Milo and I have been taking advantage of all Baltimore has to offer while we are still here. Andrew and I have decided to ramp up the housing search in DC and have found a house in a great neighborhood that we are interested in… but in the meantime, there is so much to do in Baltimore, especially with great friends we have made.

During a recent trip to Port Discovery (a children’s museum in the heart of the Inner Harbor), my friend Mary, her little boy Ben, Milo, and I discovered that there was a lot to do with young kids.

Milo and Ben enjoyed the Music Room, equipped with all sorts of percussion instruments. The big drums were a favorite, of course.

Not sure what to think or do at first

But with the security of “Link,” Milo felt confident

An action shot

Then, on to the Kids-Under-Four room, complete with indoor playground, books, toys, building blocks, and ball pit… though Milo wasn’t so sure about the pit.

Then, on to the water room, where borrowed raincoats kept the little ones… not so dry. But oh, well. It’s the thought that counts.

Really, this place was a blast. We spent 3 hours there and had the boys been a little older, we would have stayed longer. We even went to a storytime there! I’m sure we’ll go back before the summer is over.

Last weekend we trekked down to Harbor East, a little arts festival near some cute shops and restaurants. This time we got to hang out with both families, as the dads joined us.

Milo taking drum lessons from Dad

Could he smile any wider?!

Watch this, Ben!

So we have really been living it up. This weekend we travel to Princeton, NJ for a friend’s wedding, then next week we may be on our way to buying a house!

As far as Milo’s new tricks, he is moving right along. A real pro at climbing stairs, boxes, you name it. Climbing is the new thing. He also continues to enjoy reading, and will now turn the page when asked to. Milo is also learning about social reciprocity and will wave hello or bye-bye to people he sees on the streets, as well as dogs and pictures on our wall and refrigerator. I still can’t seem to get him to clap his hands, mainly because he won’t put down his chosen link long enough to bring his two hands together. He is also drinking from a sippy cup and even drinks formula now (thank God!).

Things Milo does not enjoy… mainly anything that requires sitting still (except reading). So the high chair is hated. Though I know I shouldn’t get into this habit, the only way I can feed him without listening to screaming is the old “drive-by” spoon. I lock us into the kitchen, slap a bib on him, and let him come to me for bites. It works. He eats well.

Bath time is also now dreaded. He used to love bath time, but now he just wants to crawl out of there, or stand up, or climb. I mean, imagine the frustration in having Mom keep plopping you down on your bottom to wash you when you just want to GO!

And speaking of going… Milo is getting a little antsy, so we are off to the park!
I promise I will get some more pictures up soon.

4 thoughts on “Summer Bum”
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  1. You’re a good Mom!!! I’m touched to hear all that you do for that precious little boy. (His hair is getting so long!)

  2. Lauren and Andrew! My mother and I am coming to the DC area for Old Bill’s graduation from the marines OCS and my grad school search and I would love to see you guys and meet that baby you have. Unfortunately, I have to contact you through this blog because I can’t track down either of your email addresses. Email me or call me!


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