World’s Strongest Baby, aka Mini Hercules

I think we have found the Bum’s calling. Just think, in a mere 5 years, this could be Milo! Dave, this one’s for you.

Milo might need to work on the lower half a bit, though.

But enough of freakishly strong children and babies. We had a pretty good day. Thunderstorms cooled off Baltimore last night so today was a much more reasonable 89 degrees versus yesterday’s 98. We went to the park this morning while it was still cool, and Milo stayed up an hour later than his usual naptime while we enjoyed the weather. We also finally got to open our windows for the first time in three days, after we learned that it stayed pretty cool (thermostat registered 88 while it was 10 degrees hotter outside) if we closed up our house like a cave in the middle of the summer. Milo enjoyed looking at the passers-by while I enjoyed looking at how much he has grown. We also played a short game of peek-a-boo with the curtains before he attempted to escape.
I am loving this age. Milo’s favorite tasks include scaling the stairs, throwing recycleables onto the floor, chasing Proudie, “feeding” himself with a spoon, taking off his diaper, knocking down towers that Mom builds for him, and turning up the radio/cd player as loud as possible as soon as I walk away from it. I’m surprised he hasn’t blown a speaker or all of our eardrums. He also amused himself today for an hour just practicing sitting down and standing up, sitting down and standing up over and over and over. So funny to see him bend over, touch his toes, and so carefully ease himself onto the ground. It’s a skill that takes practice.

Stay tuned for more adventures from the fascinating world of Baby Bum….

4 thoughts on “World’s Strongest Baby, aka Mini Hercules”
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  1. Oh Bum. You are so sweet. This IS an incredibly fun age…they learn something new every day.

    Yesterday, Reina actually looked surprised and then giggled when her diaper rumbled in a peculiar way.

    Who knows what today has in store?

  2. Good God…he looks like a bodybuilder. What are you feeding this kid? I swear it was like 2 days ago when I was in Baltimore and he was mostly laying in his mini bed and crying. Now he’s tearin’ shit up (hillbilly voice and accent).

    Please don’t turn him into Mini Hercules…I hate that thing. Andrew and I actually called the Howard Stern show to ask if we could both fight Mini Hercules, on our knees, with our hands tied behind our backs…they actually took us somewhat seriously…hilarious…Almost as funny as pranking tattoo parlors to ask if they’d tattoo my face on my face…or tattoo a belt around my waist so when I’m naked it looks like I have a belt on…or tattoo eyebrows above my eyebrows…the list and humor goes on forever…or calling CVS to ask if they have any medicines for terrible diarrhea, only to follow that question up by asking if they sell frozen burritos or hot pockets…Or BEST OF ALL, when Andrew pranked storage facilities to ask if they had enough space for him to store his life size scene of a “taxidermied midget being chased by a stuffed bear.” Most places struggled with the legal and moral implications of harboring stuffed humans. One place however, was all about it, and was, and I quote, “really anxious to see it.”

    How does all that relate to Milo? I’m not sure…but he better grow up to be funny and do funny stuff.

    You guys should get to Cincinnati soon…

  3. Baby Jack is seriously intimidated by this Bum. I think at the Myrtle Beach Baby Olympics we may have to divide events into weight classes. I just don’t think there’s any “catching up” to the Bum. We will have to work on quickness and not waste our time on strength training.

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