Sweltering. That is the weather we have been blessed with for the past 4 days. Yesterday it was 85 degrees at 7am. Today the high was 98, and there was no breeze to speak of. Miserable, especially without central air, in a city full of brick rowhouses that just cook in the sun even on warm days.
Regardless of the disgusting heat, Andrew, Milo and I have found more than enough to do. We enjoyed the company of a good friend, Miguel, who visited us from Belgium for the weekend. We cooked out, ate ice cream on the stoop, and chatted with neighbors. On Sunday, we ventured to Cockeysville (just north of the city) to celebrate Ben’s first birthday… and play cornhole, of course. We got to meet the extended family and gorge ourselves on cake before heading home to go to bed early. We had a great time, as usual!
Ol’ chocolate mouth, enjoying his first chocolate frosting
They also had a jam session, with Milo dancing to the sound of Ben’s monkey-cymbals. I’m telling you, he had some pretty sweet moves, mainly in the hip region. If you’ve never seen a baby dance, shame on you. It’s pretty fantastic.
Sorry I didn’t get this on video.
Lauren, I am in the process of catching up. I finally updated my blog and I posted a comment for you under your weaning question.
By the way, Milo is still a cute marshmallow man. If the heat gets to be too much in Baltimore, come on down to Texas and hang out with us for a bit. Our house has central air, and I have three kids ready to rough Milo up.