Good-bye, 8, Hello Dad

For the past week or so, Milo has been trying out a lot of new sounds. He says “momma,” “nana,” “tuh-tuh,” “buh-buh,” and… “dada.” The only thing is, this last sound seems to have a real purpose. Milo says, “dada” and “da-dee” whenever he sees Andrew or a picture of Andrew. I was convinced it was just a coincidence, as it is a bit early to start naming things, I thought. But apparently I’m wrong. My low expectations of the intelligence of our baby has paid off! Just kidding. I, like any other new parent, think my baby is the smartest, coolest, cutest baby on Earth.

When Andrew leaves, Milo crawls over to the door and says, “dada.” When he sees Andrew after being away all day, he says, “dada,” while waving his hands and kicking his legs excitedly. He also says it when he looks at a picture of Andrew in a photo book we have. And when we go on walks, Milo says “dada” from his stroller when Andrew is walking ahead of us. It’s really cute. So, I guess it’s official. Milo’s first word is his favorite person in the whole world… DADDY!

Other new accomplishments include pulling up to stand, climbing the stairs, and waving hello and bye-bye (with an extremely stiff arm). Oh, and he has also started throwing things, also rather stiff-armed. This seems hilarious to Milo, as what he throws never seems to go the place he expects it to. He has turned into such a little ham. He does this fake cough sound for attention, then when you look at him, he laughs. For any Zoolander fans out there, it’s the exact same cough that Derek Zoolander does after he works in the coal mine for a day with his dad and two brothers… “I think I’ve got a case of the black lung, Pop.” Cough, cough.

On a sad note, we had to say our good-byes to the 8 until Milo stops biting things. This was decided after Milo bit off a small piece of the letter 6 and proceeded to vomit all over the floor three times because he couldn’t get this foam crumb out of his mouth. So here is a tribute to our great friend 8, who will be missed.

Pretty rockin’ jam, don’t you think?

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