First of all, yes, that’s the 8. The 8 is still in play, and even comes on stroller rides with us.
Moving on… Milo had a great time today with his best buddy Ben, who turns 1 tomorrow. We went to an activity playzone where you pay $5 to let your kid demolish the entire place in a couple of hours… moonbouncers, giant pirate ship with scary-fast slide, and giant dollhouse included. Although they were a little unsure at first, both were crawling and exploring within 10 minutes.
And we are definitely making progress in the weaning arena. We are down to three nursing sessions per day (5am, 8am, and 6:30pm), and though Milo is not happy at the 2-3am hour, he is making the transition well. I also got him to drink formula out of a sippy cup (after quite a fight). So no, I won’t be following Milo to college, or even kindergarten at this rate. And though the thought of no nursing kind of makes me sad, as it is such a special time that we share, I will be happy to have a bit more independence and we can plan for the next… bum!
Dressing your son in anything that has pink stripes on it is not ok.
Love you,
It’s red. Not pink. But our son is comfortable with his sexuality… so stuff it.
That’s a good lookin’ kid…I guess when you put two fives together, you get a ten. I’m just sayin…