
First of all, yes, that’s the 8. The 8 is still in play, and even comes on stroller rides with us.

Moving on… Milo had a great time today with his best buddy Ben, who turns 1 tomorrow. We went to an activity playzone where you pay $5 to let your kid demolish the entire place in a couple of hours… moonbouncers, giant pirate ship with scary-fast slide, and giant dollhouse included. Although they were a little unsure at first, both were crawling and exploring within 10 minutes.

A favorite: little ride-ons of the bee and cow variety. Milo picked the longhorn…
…after reminiscing about his weekend in Kentucky
The giant doll house was also a hit. It was nicer than the house we live in (and probably bigger), with hardwood floors, tons of windows, and a castle tower… but who’s counting? Milo and Ben explored inside while I hung out peering in through the windows.
Look, Mom, these windows actually open and close!
Don’t ask me where this sudden rage came from…
Psycho baby trying to escape. I think he looks like a giant baby-monster about to devour anyone who gets in the way of his milkie

Mary and Ben after conquering the slide

So we had a great day today, again. Thanks, Mary, for donning socks, paying our way, and being just a great friend. You are the best, and Ben is lucky to have you for a mommy!

And we are definitely making progress in the weaning arena. We are down to three nursing sessions per day (5am, 8am, and 6:30pm), and though Milo is not happy at the 2-3am hour, he is making the transition well. I also got him to drink formula out of a sippy cup (after quite a fight). So no, I won’t be following Milo to college, or even kindergarten at this rate. And though the thought of no nursing kind of makes me sad, as it is such a special time that we share, I will be happy to have a bit more independence and we can plan for the next… bum!

3 thoughts on “Bum-boree”
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  1. Jon,
    It’s red. Not pink. But our son is comfortable with his sexuality… so stuff it.

  2. That’s a good lookin’ kid…I guess when you put two fives together, you get a ten. I’m just sayin…

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