I’m not sure how many people actually read this blog, but I have a question. If you have an answer/opinion, please post a comment.
I am slowly weaning Milo off the breast, but he won’t take formula. If he is eating plenty of food and drinking water, how much breast milk does he still need? I am aware that I can start giving whole cow’s milk when he is a year old. I would like to wean him completely by 12 months.
He is obviously still nursing, but I’d like to cut back to just a few feedings a day, mainly keeping the morning and evening feeding, and maybe still one early morning feeding if necessary. Do you think 3 times/day is enough? I don’t want to dehydrate him, especially during the summer. I also don’t want him to miss out on nutrition, but since he eats whole milk yogurt I think he might be okay…
Thanks for any feedback!
I have no idea….but at least I’m reading your blog regularly. 🙂
When you figure it out, let me know!
I’ll let you in on this little tit bit…i mean, tid bit of info…No male mammal – baby, child, grandpa, gorilla, sailor, or the like – ever tires of a little booby. You might as well just give him what he wants…some boob. I’m just putting that out there. It’s yours to take, or simply leave to float out here all alone on the internets…your choice…take it or leave it…use it or lose it…
Thanks, Dave.
You’re welcome…I mean…Who’s Dave? My name is Bruce…
Kids Milo’s age still need around 24 ounces of milk a day, that typically comes at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You might want to pump once just to measure how much he is sucking out before you cut back on the feedings too much. If he is only taking 4-5ozs per serving, you might still have to feed him 5 times a day. Water during the in between hours is fine, and sorry yogurt and baby food can’t match the nutrients in breast milk or formula. That is my two cents on the issue, take it or leave it… your are doing a great job as a mom.