Country Bumpkin

Ah, the puns keep coming. Will they ever end?
This past weekend Milo enjoyed the hills of Kentucky when we packed up and made the 9-hour drive to Mt. Sterling for our friends’ wedding. We left at 3am on Thursday morning and Milo was an angel for the entire drive. Come to think of it, he was pretty awesome for the entire trip. The only time he really became fussy was two hours after his bedtime, and even then he wasn’t unbearable. Andrew was in the wedding, so I took Milo back to the hotel each night at around 9pm, where he fell asleep in his pack-n-play pretty much right away every time. He even took some pretty solid naps there!

During the day, we hung out at the wedding site (Cat’s grandparents’ home) and explored the country. Though the forecast called for rain, we got lucky and enjoyed beautiful weather. Milo showed off his new standing skills:
And discovered the foliage on the beautiful property:
Milo with the beautiful bride at Thursday night’s dockside party:At the reception during sunset with Andrew and Washington, D.C. friend Jim (who helped us immensely with Milo during dinner so we could both eat at the same time… imagine!):

And Milo having a fit of giggles pre-breakdown (this was literally 10 minutes before I decided we had to leave before the squeals of exhaustion called the wild dogs:
He is holding the letter “O,” a favorite toy. Since then Milo has moved on to a blue letter “8” and has been carrying it around with him ALL DAY. It’s hilarious. I’m not exaggerating when I say that he takes his 8 everywhere. Even when I left the room and he panicked and tried to crawl after me as fast as possible, but he went back for his 8, stuck it in his mouth like a dog, and then crawled after me. Milo also holds his 8 out to me for me to bite, then takes it back, laughing, so he can bite it himself, and on and on. What a fun game. While Milo sits playing with other toys, his 8 sits within reach. He is sitting by the front door right now with his 8 beside him. Who would have known an 8 could be so wonderful?

But I digress…

Here is Milo at one of four, yes FOUR, trips to the Cracker Barrel next door to our hotel. Give me a break, people. This was Kentucky (we tried to walk somewhere with Milo in the backpack but didn’t get far when we realized there were no sidewalks anywhere and absolutely no way to cross the streets). I don’t think we had ever been in one of these restaurants before… Andrew asked for a beer when we went there for lunch the first day. They laughed in his face in a “oh, poor city folk” kind of way. Needless to say, we vowed for the fat-fest to be over as soon as we left KY. We did learn an interesting fact there, though. Milo LOVES egg yolk. (I know you’re not supposed to feed babies egg white until they are a year old… but for some reason the yolk is fine… something to do with allergies). Anyway, he loved his yolk. He also willingly ate almost all the baby food I brought with us. Sweet potatoes, blueberries and apples, pears, plain whole milk yogurt, and of course bananas, all devoured like only a baby starving to death would do. Oh, yeah. And he drinks water from a straw now. Still working on the sippy cup idea, but we may just skip that stage and go to the straw-in-cup-with-lid idea. I know he’s goofy, but what do you expect from someone who chooses the number 8 to fall in love with?

1 thought on “Country Bumpkin”
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  1. You guys are adorable. So glad the little guy was not only good, but slept AND ate real food!

    This comment was brought to you by the letter R and the number 9.

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