Sleep Arrangements


Actual first time sleeping in a crib… at 8 months old *** please note that he will no longer stay on his back to sleep no matter how many times we flip him onto it- I figure it’s safe by this point since he is able to crawl!

Over the past weekend, we went through some major changes around here. The sleep arrangements (Emil sleeping in bed with me) were getting difficult. Up until a few weeks ago, Emil would awaken during the night, move around a little, then settle back down to fall asleep right away. But since learning to crawl, his own sleep rhythms would awaken him and he was all, Oh yeah! I know how to crawl! This is awesome! and immediately attempt to crawl off the edge of the bed in a giddy baby-frenzy. I had more close calls than I care to share involving the grabbing of a small foot or leg just before the young buck went tumbling onto the (two-foot-off-the-ground carpeted) floor. Not ideal.

So on Saturday, Andrew put side rails on a big-boy bed for Oliver, who now shares a room with Milo, and we transferred Emil into Oliver’s old room, also known as the “cry zone.”


And he did okay! I mean, he actually fell asleep and took an hour-long nap all by himself, in his very own crib. For the first time ever. And he slept there most of Saturday night, awakening and crying often, but putting himself to sleep in a reasonable amount of time, until at 3:30am I brought him into bed with me until 6:30am so I could get a solid 3 hours of sleep. Sunday night and Monday night were even better! We’re getting there.

It feels both sad and wonderful to make this transition. I planned to co-sleep with Emil, not wanting to set a time-frame but to go with what felt right. And this does feel like good timing. He is not relying completely on me for nutrition, and it is no longer safe or restful to have him in my bed. This also gives me a lot more freedom to get things done after I put him down, as I could not leave him in bed for fear that he would awaken and fall. But I miss him a lot. Especially knowing he is my last baby and that special time he spent snuggled up to me is finished. I’ll have you know, he is my least snuggly baby and would only allow for such things at night while nursing.

Oliver’s transition has been good so far. In fact, he is bonding with Milo in a way that he never has before- talking and actually telling jokes (overheard on Sunday night: Milo, I’m going to tell you a stow-ee. Once upon a time, a beyah was sweepy, an then he pooped. Ridiculous hilarious giggling and stifled laughter.- Allison, I thought of you with A’s bed time story all the way!) I think the greatest part is eavesdropping on their bedtime conversations, which they believe is a private conversation but they are talking so loudly we cannot help but overhear the ridiculousness. The worst part is that they are so excited to have each other, they have trouble settling down to sleep. But that will wear off. And I can’t help but feel that having them in there together is solidifying an already-strong brotherly bond for life.

Oliver begged us all day on Sunday to put him to bed. Is it time to sleep in orange bed, Papa? Not yet, Oliver. Mama, will you put me down for a nap in orange bed now? When it’s bedtime, Oliver. Now??? 


Yes, Oliver. Now it is time to sleep in orange bed. Good night, little buddy.

Sigh. I just love these guys. Even if they won’t snuggle me…


8 thoughts on “Sleep Arrangements”
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  1. What a big step! I’m really impressed you could cosleep for so long. I expected to last much longer but at three months W started being such a light sleeper that everytime we moved he’d wake up and be unhappy… So we moved him to a crib in his own room (which is literally right next to our’s but still felt odd) and he loved it! He’s been a great sleeper ever since and it just really seems like he’s a kid who likes his own space. I have to confess that I also slept much better (although I know cosleeping can work great too).

    Hope everyone settles into their new rooms happily and lots more sleep comes in the weeks ahead and again bravo on 8 months of cosleeping- that’s fantastic!

  2. I have to admit my youngest was a tummy sleeper from about 3 weeks. He just wouldn’t sleep any other way. We weren’t high risk for SIDS — non-smoking house, breastfed, healthy birth weight — and I just felt the chances were so slim. In fact, the chances of us being in a fatal car accident are much greater, but we don’t stop driving because of that — you just can’t protect yourself from everything.

  3. AHHH!! A sleepy pooping bear story! That was so great.

    The co-sleeping and nursing at night thing was so sweet and I loved it so much – until I didn’t anymore. I mean, I still loved it, but I think I got to a point where I just wanted a full night’s sleep without someone having to touch me all the time. But now, I kind of miss it.

    Your kids are so cute it’s ridiculous. Your whole family, really. You guys should all be professional models or something.

  4. Love the happy-crawling-giddy-baby with you grabbing onto baby body parts before he went tumbling. Funny visual. : )

    Alice’s crib is currently in our room. She starts her night in the crib and, after her 3AM feeding, finishes the night with us in our bed, which is nice because I get 4 hours of my own sleep. I can imagine that the day we transition her to her own room down the hall will be a sad day for this mommy. : (

  5. Doing that with Pete this week, and is a struggle ! Daytime naps are in the crib, but nighttime it is going nowhere. Last night he cried on and off for three hours. I fed him, kissed him, stroked his back and left until he cried so hard he puked! Having really hard time, like you said it is not safe anymore it has to be done, but the whole breastfeeding to sleep and through the night, he does not know how to get back to sleep yet. It seems like he does not want to learn either!

  6. Oh, Zdenka, I feel for you! I’m so sorry you are going through that. It is so hard and especially for the mama. My first two babies were exactly like that. I think it just takes consistency and time. Also, I found that a white-noise machine or music helps signal it is time to sleep. Try it out! Just try doing the same nighttime routine over and over again and eventually he will get it on his own!

  7. i have been popping in and out here this evening getting to know you and your boys. it’s so fun to read about you guys. i didn’t realize your youngest was only 6 months or so older than my little indy. if you look at my most recent post, you’ll see that we co-sleep. all of us! lol… we have two queen beds side by side on the floor in our master bedroom. not proud of this necessarily. it just is what it is. we do believe in the family bed but if we led a more normal life, our five year old would probably be in his own bed by now. but, because we’ve been on the move the last three years, it just hasn’t made sense yet. most importantly, this is how we all get the best sleep. we all must do what works for us. and michael and i always say this is such a short time of our lives.

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