So here we are, the end of April, with good things already happening in our garden! A couple of weeks ago, we planted some tiny swiss chard plants, along with spinach, kale, broccoli, and a few marigolds to keep pests out. The chard and kale have taken off! Almost ready to be harvested in moderation to keep the new growth coming.
And… this weekend we planted a few herbs: two varieties of basil, chives, and flat-leaf parsley to accompany the curly variety above, and dill. All is well despite a huge storm that rolled in merely hours after the planting, bringing with it golf ball-sized hail that made me think several large trash cans were rolling down our street before I realized what was happening. Scary! But cool, too. I made Andrew risk life and limb to run out and grab a huge hail stone to show the boys. It was worth the risk of getting pelted in the face by a huge ball of ice. I think.
Baby broccoli
Baby spinach (which something is eating- maybe slugs?)
Happy chard!
Happy kale!
We also planted three grafted tomato plants, an eggplant plant, one cucumber plant, two red bell pepper plants, and a zucchini plant. The only thing missing is our yellow squash, then we just need to sit back (well, and weed and water) and wait!
Also, speaking of weeding, a couple of weeks ago, I noted that Milo was busy busy busy in the garden, stalking around talking to himself and concentrating very hard on something. After about thirty minutes, he ran up to me and exclaimed, “Mama! Great news! I just planted all my seeds in the garden!” Um… what kind of seeds? “Oh, those helicopter seeds! I planted like a hundred!”
Yes. He most certainly did.
If you are planting, how is your garden coming? What are you most excited about this season? I have to say, after getting zero tomatoes or raspberries last year, I am hoping and hoping for some of each… though we have yet to build the cage around them to keep those nasty varmints out. Happy gardening!
Oh my god! Your garden looks so, so great. I’m loving the chard. SO BEAUTIFUL! We just planted some seed a few days ago and I can’t wait for those little guys to show themselves. Did you guys start everything from seed?
If slugs are getting the better of your spinach, or anything else in the garden, cut off the bottom few inches of a water bottle and bury it so that its rim is level with the soil. Then fill it almost to the brim with beer. Any beer will do.. I tend to go ultra cheap because it is after all for slugs. Slugs are total lushes and your problem will be gone in no time! Good luck with the pests!
You are sooo ahead! Looks fantastic. I just spent all morning planting seeds… carrots, radishes, peas, kale, spinach, greens, and poppies. We still have so much to do but much of it will be plants so I should still be okay. We’ve actually had a few frosts here lately. It’s tough to plant itty bitty seeds with a toddler moving them around behind you so it’s all a bit of an experiment!
Thanks for the slug tip, Julie! And no, we didn’t bother with seeds this year, as we had a gift certificate to a seed company that also ships live plants- I find it much less intimidating to do a few small plants rather than risk the seeds- but someday we will do only seeds, I think.
And Lilly, I can’t wait to see your garden progress, though with the weather in Boston, I’m sure it will take a bit more time for you. At least you don’t have to suffer the ridiculous heat and humidity in St. Louis that will start anytime here!!!
Wow, so exciting! Maybe it’s really nerdy and uncool, but I get super excited about growing vegetables. We planted some seeds in a starter tray and are waiting for the weather to stop being so wonky so we can put our little sprouts in the ground. Maybe this weekend.
I love how Milo calls them “helicopter seeds.” Julian calls them helicopters too, and I’m not entirely sure what kind of tree they belong to. Maple, I think?
Hi! I can’t seem to find your email so why don’t you send me an email { } and then I can send you that recipe!
man, everywhere I look people are setting up incredible backyard gardens. It’s so inspiring! Good for you.