I wish I could say that the past few days have really improved… but unfortunately I would be lying. I can safely say that I now understand why sleep deprivation is used as a tool of torture in the military.
Milo has not slept for the past 3 nights, therefore neither have I. I know it will get better, but the past 3 nights have felt like 7 nights… up at least 6 times a night, sometimes every 1/2 hour. Naps have also only lasted about 30 minutes apiece. I know he’s exhausted, but I don’t know how to help him! Poor little guy had a fever for most of the day yesterday, and it didn’t break until early this morning. And although Milo will finally let me put him down for a few minutes without screaming, he is still very fussy. On top of all of this, it is raining… still. It is supposed to rain all day. Well, I guess the good news is that we will be miserable in miserable weather and then it will be over!
Sorry to be such a downer, but things around here are pretty rotten for now. Looks like a day in pajamas for this mama.
Reina went through a sleep “rearrangement” around 8-9 months…Of course before that she had actually been sleeping better than Milo. 🙁 Hang in there Lauren, we’ll see you soon!