Hide and Go Seek


They aren’t the best hiders…


… but it sure is fun playing anyway!


What are your plans for the weekend? We are supposed to have cooler rainy/stormy weather, so I anticipate a lot of spring cleaning and organizing. Not so much fun, but the purge feels good (and as long as someone, anyone else is dusting, I’m happy). We have some baby blankets and clothes that are free to a good home! Any takers?


8 thoughts on “Hide and Go Seek”
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  1. So cute. Oren’s favorite game is hide and seek and we had a good run of playing every night before bed- on teams of two!
    I wish I lived closer- I would take your baby clothes. I gave all my little stuff away and wish I hadn’t!
    Have a fun weekend!

  2. We will be doing some cleaning, too, as we’ve neglected some areas of our apartment since little Alice joined our family.

    And a good purge of STUFF is so therapeutic!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Love how Emil is getting in on the hiding too! So cute. W just learned about hiding and I find him standing very still behind a chair with a giant grin, it’s kind of hilarious.

  4. All 3 boys are adorable! Each with his own unique look & blend of you & Andrew. Milo- a classic big brother & handsome. I see so much of your mom in Oliver’s face! Emil seems to be coming into his own personality- great photos of him lately. Quite the fraternity @ your house!

  5. So funny! Jack has just recently started branching out from his ONE hiding spot. I think the picture of Milo hiding in the couch looks a whole lot like Jack!

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