Alright, this is going to sound crazy and totally expected all at once.
I swear, Emil is obsessed with music.
I know, I know, I’m sure many of you think I am reading too much into this since he is constantly surrounded by Andrew’s music- guitar, piano, banjo, etc. and we clearly value music in our little family. But it is true. Emil is completely obsessed in a way that the other two boys never were. Yes, they liked music, but Emil passes up all other items, novel things included, for this guitar:
This has become much more obvious to us since he started crawling last week. When placed on the floor with toys and books and all kinds of interesting things, he focuses in on the guitar, anywhere in the room, and goes for it. Dodging between exciting light-up toys and all sorts of wonderful choking hazards, it’s as if he can see nothing but the guitar. Once he reaches it, he strums it over and over and over. Seriously. He strums a guitar.
The other day, I placed him down on the living room rug so I could get the groceries from the car. When I hurried back in, I found him at the foot of the table, straining his body to reach up as high as possible. Of course, the guitar was on the table, and he wanted it.
It’s really cool to see this dynamic unfolding. Andrew is the youngest of three boys and he was the one who really picked up music, and it seems like the same thing is happening already with Emil! Coincidence?
Well, if things don’t pan out with the guitar, Emil’s practicing his model pose. You know, just in case.
Two teeth!
That is so cool, isn’t it?
I, too, was always amazed by how my son (now two-and-a-half) picked out the things he was going to like/dislike even as a baby … And I always wondered if said preferences had a genetic component to them. For example, my husband LOVES horror movies of all kinds, so it is sort of strange (funny?) that our son quickly developed a love for “The Count” from Sesame Street. Of all the Muppets to choose from, he went with the vampire!! π
He looks like he’s on the path to rocker to me! Sucha cutie.
I love this so much! Keep rocking’ Emil!
How exciting! Audrey has just started to reach out for things she wants, and it makes me happy to see her communicating in that way and being able to DO something about it. Ooh, what if Emil is a little musical prodigy! And if all else fails, yes, he can definitely be a model. So precious.
I nominated you for a little blog award, because I’m a dork like that! Hope you don’t mind. π
Thank you for the nomination, Rebecca! What a nice surprise!
Oh, Lauren he is such a doll. I do believe you have a little musician in the making! Also, seems we have more in common still – my husband is the middle of the boys very close in age (exactly one year apart) So fun to share in all same adventures. And even more fun to watch what unfolds as they grow.
Keep playing that guitar little man. Girls like boys who play guitar π
Oh, that model pose kills me. Hello, Mister October!
I love how small children are so comfortable with music, and not self conscious about getting into a groove.
You’d better hang onto that 1st photo… Could be an album cover someday!
two teeth! two teeth! how exciting. a question: where did you get your small guitars? they look really well-made, which leads me to believe they aren’t toy-store items. our kids need a little jam session-ing in their lives.
Wow, I think it will be shocking if he doesn’t end up being the musical brother in the fam! In Dylan’s family, his youngest brother (of 3) is the musician too. Maybe it’s a youngest thing π